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                          What to do when starting Wicca

when you first start to think, " ummm maybe this isn't for me, but maybe wicca is?" this site is for you, this will show you something's that could help you in your future with Wicca. this site is not just for beginners but is also for experienced Wiccans and or Pagans : )  

 air represtnes: mind, intelligence, psychic, communication, telepathy, powers, and can also be used to develope psychic faclties.



water represents: emotions, absorption,wisdom, the soul, purification, eternal movement, healing, ritual baths, and tossing objects into the water.

fire represents: energy, insperation, love, passion, leadership, actually  represents magick it-self, fire is also the most physical spiritual of the elements.



earth represents: strenght, abundance, stability, prosperity, wealth and fermininity, in rituals earth is represented in forms of burying objects in the ground, herbalism, and makring wood or stone.



Aether also called spirit is the prime element present in all things, it represents: providing space, connection, and balance for all elements to exist, Aether is immaterial unlike Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. Aether represents the joy and union.


okay, when i first started looking into Wicca i saw many times that there are spells to "control" the elements, or one particular element. but....that is not so  you can not control all of the element, think of it as someone trying to control you, you'd get pretty pissed wouldn't you? you need to respect the elements cause they are pretty much what amke up the earth. but you can control like 0.01% of a element, i know it seems small and all, think about it and what they can do tho, and now you have that one power on a lower level : )

this is fire (duuhhh) but did you know you could control fire, well like a flame not the whole element, remember it can get pissy.

you can contorl a flame by Deep consentration

this consentration is called meditation. it does take time to master, or you may already be a master at it and not even know it. when i meditate i lite a few candles, put some soft music on ( Florance + The Machine is good soft music ) close your eyes and think of whatever you want the fire to do very, very, very slowly. it may not work the first time but practice makes perfect : )


okay you know what water is, you use it every damn day! but it's more powerful then you think ; )

water can also be "your" element.

now i know what your thinking i said you can not control a element, well your not.

your element means that your personalitly matches the element, your more conected to it. 


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